This picture sums up how I feel every January. Alone, violated, despondent, a sense that there is no hope for the future-- and apparently, possibly attractive but unwilling to wear anything other baggy clothes so really, I'm kinda just annoying to look at for a long time. I mean honestly, what do I have to hide? And seriously,
I'm in a beret-wearing phase (go to 1:35 mark).
Anyways, back to my point. Once again, we as a nation are forced to face the harrowing prospect of starting a new year with nine months devoid of organized intercollegiate football games. It's scary.

Ahh, this always makes me feel better: a hampster dressed like Rambo. Yes, now I can put my fears about 270 days without football to bed, since I will now instead by kept up late at night worried that these furry creatures are preparing for their own guinea-rilla warfare. Could it happen? Well, would you believe that this year's national champion would cut foreskins as part of his off-season workout? Yeah, seems a whole lot more real now, doesn't it?

We want you to know that despite the lack of games, we are not going to ease up on our poorly thought out and weakly defended opinions here at Office Tailgate. We will still update multiple times per week to fuel discussions here at our digital office water cooler, but we'd like to hear what you're interested in. Do you want stories on football recruiting, basketball insights, to introduce you to the hockey Frozen Four? Let us know, and feel free to be abusive. After all, like a redneck woman with low self-esteem, the only way we'll change is if you are savagely beat us and then later, half-heartedly, say you love us. So please, leave some comments and suggestions. At the very least, it'll be nice to hear we have a readership beyond my girlfriend.
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I'm famous!
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